Thursday, 29 October 2020

Market Crash Update - 28 Oct 20 - INSANE £30k day & account up over £72500 in the last 50 days :-S via @siamkidd

NOTES: from Siam
- I'm well aware that I was displaying very bad habits in this video. For example, in general, you work out the risk you wish to trade, where you want your stop and then your position size is Risk / Stop. But I was doing some shortcuts here. However this live stream was with my students so they know how I normally trade. - This is my 'Crash account', NOT my proper normal account. I don't touch my normal account with any silliness. This crash account is simply that, I crash and burn it probably 3-4 times a year, but every 18-24 months I 5-10X the account which more than makes up for the losers. Thus, I break a LOT of my own trading rules in this account! As always, being a full Realistic Trader Community member is £4800 per year and you get full access to everything. Including our fully autonomous Machine Learning Trading Bot that executes my flagship Trading algorithm. But for those that just want a taster to see what it's all about, you can get access to the first 10 hours of my 40+ hour CPD accredited Trading video programme and 2 months access to the private FB group and Trading Bot (on a demo account) via the Trading Test Drive. Check it out. You will learn enough so you can trade on your own and whether trading is a right fit for y

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