Do you need your own website to make money online?
Once upon a time I would have told you no. You do not need a website to make money on-line. Now the answer is not quite so clear. The big player in the internet (Google if you had not guessed) has decided that if it is to keep on top then it has to eliminate the junk. This means that any sites that do not give people what they are really searching for will really begin to struggle.
Let me expand on that a bit more. It used to be really easy to create an article, post it up to a site like Ezine Articles and it would be ranked in Google really quickly, often on the first page. The trouble was that all sorts of articles had sneaked through in the early days and people were clicking into them and leaving immediately. This kind of search result was not what Google needed if it wanted to be the market leader. Google knew that if people did not hang around a website then it was not what they were looking for.
So that is the recent history, so how does that affect you if you want to make money online and why do you need a web site if you want to make money online.
- First thing is control. You can put whatever you want on your website (we are talking legal here). You have the choice and no one else can dictate to you. Some of the free websites such a Squidoo are increasingly strict about content (but again they have been hit by the latest Google changes)
- Secondly and part of that control concept is that you can make better use of your visitors. Assuming that you have something that interest them then you have the potential to create a list and if you develop the right relationship with that list then there are potential customers for a long time.
- Thirdly if you are just doing the basic affiliate marketing thing then you can presell the site that you are promoting. You can set up individual pages targeted at a small niche and greatly increase your chances of beating the competition. If your visitor clicks on knowing precisely what they are going to see and what benefit it will be for them then they are far more likely to go on and complete the purchase.
So to sum up. Do you need your own website? you are looking at control with your own website and freedom to publish without anyone else being able to cut you off if you are not fitting in with their their idea of what the net should be providing. Of course you do.
So what is stopping you? Get out there, find something to promote and make that site!
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