I'm pretty you know by now that building a list of subscribers is one of the MOST important parts of your online business if you want to make any real money.
If you don't know that, let me remind you that the MONEY is in your LIST that's why your credibility and relationship with your subscribers is vital.
I'm not going to explain why and so on, because I don't want to lose focus. What I want to share with you is one of the best list-building strategies I've personally used and it build me over 1500 targeted subscribers in less than 1 week!
If you want to build a list quickly with targeted and responsive subscribers, I strongly urge you to use the co-registration joint-venture list building strategy.
Damn now that's a long name for a strategy!
Here's a great example of a co-registration joint venture which takes up a bit of time and effort but is really worth it in the end - you could set-up a free giveaway site. A bunch of people get together to offer their best products to everyone's subscribers - all they need to do is fill out a form to get them.
Here are the details on how I did it so that you can copy it in whatever niche market you are involved in:
1. Contact 10 Joint Venture partners or any number of partners you want to have. The more JV partners you have, the more subscribers you'll gain but you risk getting less targeted subscribers.
Here's why:
If a subscriber subscribes to 10 lists, it's a very high possibility that he (or she) will unsubscribe because of too many subscriptions. But if you have 5 JV partners, he'll be receiving emails from 5 people only. The only problem here is that you'll only have 5 people to promote the promotion for you.
2. When you contacted your potential JV partners, you MUST state very clearly:
i. What are the benefits that they can expect. Can they make money? Can their list grow?
ii. What they are expected to do. If you need them to email to their list, tell them so. Don't do it at the last minute.
iii. What do they need to offer to be in this promotion? Normally, each of the Jv partners will offer a product to entice the subscribers to subscribe to their mailing list.
3. Prepare all the necessary materials. These will include:
i. Creating the webpage where anyone who is interested in getting the products offered for free can subscribe to the contributor's (your JV partners) list.
ii. Programming script to make sure that it's working perfectly that each subscription will go to your JV partner.
iii. Email templates for your Jv partners to send to their subscribers.
iv. Email support for the new subscribers. Sometimes, they might face challenges like failing to subscribe or trouble with downloading the products. It's your responsibility to manage all of these.
4. Thanking your Jv partner. You'll probably agree with me that you managed to build a list quickly with targeted subscribers is because of the help you get from your Jv partners. Tell them how much you appreciated their help and if possible, offer an extra incentive to them.
You can promote their products to the new list that you have built from this promotion to show your appreciation for your Jv partners contribution.
Now that you've got yourself a great targeted list of Subscribers the next step is to keep them coming back, for A loyal list will bring in the money in future.
To your success in the future.
Ryan Blake.
Here's a great example of a co-registration joint venture which takes up a bit of time and effort but is really worth it in the end - you could set-up a free giveaway site. A bunch of people get together to offer their best products to everyone's subscribers - all they need to do is fill out a form to get them.
Ryan Blake.
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